
vdf775en.exe 2000-03-13

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../Ndis4/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Olicom RapidFire 3540 HSTR 100/16/4 PCI Adapter Olicom RapidFire 3139 Token-Ring 16/4 PCI Adapter Olicom RapidFire...


stdrv-2.exe 2000-03-10

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Xircom Modem Port Xircom PortStation STM56V1 USB Modem 56 Xircom PortStation STM56G USB Modem 56 PortGear Ethernet...


stdrv-3.exe 2000-03-10

Haga clic en los enlaces siguientes para el paquete de controladores información readme:... / extraer / Readme.txtEste paquete es compatible con los modelos de controlador: Puerto de módem Xircom PortStation STM56V1 USB Modem 56 Xircom PortStation...


modem575.exe 2000-03-09

This package supports the following driver models:Voice Modem Serial Wave Device Controllerless Modem Port Lucent Win Modem Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP 1Windows XP AMD 64-bitWindows XP 64-bit SP 1Windows NT 4 SP 2Windows 2000 SP...


adcxx00.exe 2000-03-09

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt .../TOUCHPAD/Readme.txt .../CONTROL/Readme.txt .../1ST_EDN.W98/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:NSC-PC87108 Fast Infrared Port NSC-PC87308...


USB-PortBar10205-98.exe 2.50 (Build 17)

Este paquete es compatible con los modelos de controlador: NEC USB puerto COM NEC USB puerto LPT NEC USB a paralelo NEC USB a Serial CATC USB / Ethernet Enlace CATC USB / Ethernet Link II Requisitos Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP...


PHCARDBUS.ZIP 5.374.0303.2000

Haga clic en los enlaces siguientes para el paquete de controladores información readme:... / DOSDIAG / Readme.txt... / NDIS2DOS / Readme.txt... / NetWare / Readme.txt... / DOSODI / Readme.txt... / RTSPKT / Readme.txt... / WIN2000 / Readme.txt... / WIN95A...


nc100wol.zip 5.374.0303.2000

Este paquete es compatible con los modelos de controlador: Bus Adapter 10/100 Fast Ethernet PCI % rtl8138.DeviceDesc% Realtek RTL8139 (A / B / C / 8130) PCI Fast Ethernet NIC Realtek RTL8139 (B / C) Cardbus Fast Ethernet NIC 10/100 bus PCI Fast...


aop330.exe 5.374.0303.2000

Haga clic en los enlaces siguientes para el paquete de controladores información readme:... / AOP330 / Readme.txtEste paquete es compatible con los modelos de controlador: AOpen 32 bits CardBus 10/100 Tarjeta Ethernet AOpen CardBus de 32 bits 10/100...