
psd-tools 1.2

La extensión .PSD es utilizado por Adobe Photoshop para almacenar archivos de imagen de origen.Esta biblioteca permite a los desarrolladores para extraer datos de archivos PSD y los utilizan en aplicaciones Python.PSD-herramientas pueden hacer frente en...


Watimage 2.0.3 Actualizado

Watimage can be used as a stand-alone PHP class or as a CakePHP component. Besides the aforementioned watermarking functionality, Watimage can also resize, rotate and crop images as well.What is new in this release:Test files have been resized to reduce...

Gleez CMS

Gleez CMS 1.2.0 Actualizado

Gleez CMS is another implementation of the classic CMS website building patten, this time built on top of Kohana. The CMS can be used for anything, starting from small websites, and up to large intranet structures.This is mainly to its duality, providing...