Nuevo Componentes de interfaz de usuario Para Web
La selector de fechas plugin de jQuery puede mostrar un widget especial que los usuarios pueden utilizar y seleccionar el día, mes y año de su elección y pasarlo a la aplicación / servicio / sitio web. El componente se muestra en una ventana emergente...
Zebra_Datepicker es uno de los selectores de fecha basados en jQuery más completos del mercado, proporcionando un potente conjunto de características que no se ve regularmente en soluciones de código abierto. Zebra_Datepicker es fácil de implementar y...
Ion.RangeSlider crea deslizadores de interfaz de usuario que los usuarios puedan aferrarse a, y arrastre hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha con el ratón. Ion Gama deslizante soporta controles deslizantes de dos mangos para la selección de rangos,...
The jquery.timepicker plugin can be used to create specialized widgets for entering time values inside a form field.
The entire plugin's concept was inspired by Google Calendar.
A demo is included with the jquery.timepicker download package.
toastr is a very versatile JavaScript-based user feedback system that can show a small notification message every time a user takes an action.
Inside the notification message itself HTML content can be used, and the notification popup can be displayed in...
Evol ColorPicker, also known as evol.colorpicker, is a true jQuery UI widget, supporting all the extra features that come with that, like cross-browser support and ThemeRoller jQuery UI themes.
The color picker can easily be added to any project, working...
jQuery Panel Slider works like the side panel on, pushing the page to the side to reveal a hidden section with extra content.
The side panel can be shown either from the left or right side of the page, and it can be opened and closed using...
ngToast implements the "toast" UI pattern, a simplistic method for showing user feedback using temporary, floating messages.
Also known as "growl" messages or just notifications, toast messages provide a simple way of letting the user known if his action...
Besides just modifying table UI and adding extra controls, Ember Table also changes how tables handle the data itself.
This extension was coded so it will lazy-load rows as they become visible on screen, fetching the data only when it's needed.
The 'CSS Toggle Switches' script allows developers to create their own responsive, CSS only toggle buttons.
The created toggle switches are Bootstrap and Foundation 3.x friendly, and have even been included with Foundation 4.x code as a base...