It supports single dates and/or range selections.
What is new in this release:
- Provide possibility to use ISO date format for input field.
What is new in version 4.11.0:
- Provide possibility to use ISO date format for input field.
What is new in version 4.10.0:
- Provide possibility to use ISO date format for input field.
What is new in version 4.9.0:
- Read dateutils from external dependency.
- Ensure box-sizing=content box for calendar icon.
What is new in version 4.8.0:
- Support JS date objects and DateTime objects as first and last date
- Add callback for popup opening
- Use inline images for custom scrollbar
What is new in version 4.7.0:
- Prevent date labels wrap between week day and date
- Added possibility to set date selection as constructor parameter
- Added DateTime.toISODateString
- De-couple DateLocale and continuousCalendar
- Removed IE 6 tweaks
- Make tinyscrollbar as separate dependency
- Added Duration module
What is new in version 4.6.2:
- Bring old IE support back by using $.map instead of
- Make DateTime constructor less ambigous and rely on factory methods instead.
What is new in version 4.6.1:
- G0t rid of eval in DateFormat.js.
What is new in version 4.5.1:
- Refer to tinyscrollbar directly
- Provide project as npm module
What is new in version 4.4.0:
- Added possibility to use fixed height scroll when using custom scrollbar.
- Updated Russian translations for clear date labels.
What is new in version 4.3.0:
- Added the option of allowing clearing of dates on both range and single date calendars.
What is new in version 4.2.2:
- Added to show current date with midnight time.
- Improved code quality.
What is new in version 4.2.0:
- Replaced setInterval with setTimeout for scroll throttling.
- Added language support for Latvian.
What is new in version 3.0.4:
- Set hour, minutes and seconds to 0 when not specified for DateTime constructor.
What is new in version 3.0.0:
- Provide milliseconds for DateTime constructor and make it stricter.
- Fix spelling of DateTime.WEDNESDAY constant.
- Make dateTime.toString() return local instead of UTC times.
What is new in version 2.4.2:
- Move calendar rendering to separate module
- Move range behavior to separate module
- Remove DateLocale.DEFAULT
- Update custom scroll styles for all themes
What is new in version 2.4.1:
- Added constants for all weekdays in DateTime.
- Added support for jQuery 1.9.0+.
What is new in version 2.4.0:
- Added support for themes with elem.continuousCalendar({theme: ‘transparent|rounded'}).
- Fixed order of dependencies in build script.
What is new in version 2.2.2:
- Overload constructor with y,m,d,h,m arguments
- Bug fix: fix DateTime.withTime by resetting always seconds
What is new in version 2.0.1:
- Introduce dayNames and shortDayNames in DateLocale.
- Define AMD paths as relative and let require.js determine module name from name of the file.
What is new in version 1.0.2:
- New Features:
- Monday or Sunday as first day of week depending on localization.
- Improved drag behavior: works on both sides of opposite date.
- Code refactoring and cleaning.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- jQuery 1.4.2 or higher
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